Navigating the Transition from Polarion to Codebeamer: A Seamless Migration Path


In the swiftly changing world of Application Lifecycle Management (ALM) tools, companies are on the lookout for solutions that cater to their present requirements while also setting the stage for forthcoming expansion and innovation. Migrating from Siemens Polarion to Codebeamer is one such strategic decision. This shift transcends a mere change in tools; it marks a meaningful progression towards improved collaboration, efficiency, and compliance within software development practices.

Why Migrate from Polarion to Codebeamer?

The decision to migrate from Polarion to Codebeamer is driven by several compelling factors. Codebeamer’s innovation roadmap promises a level of integration and standardization (fully standard-based OSLC) that is unparalleled, even when compared to the integration capabilities of Polarion with Teamcenter. This deep integration facilitates a more streamlined workflow and better alignment between different tools and platforms used across the software development lifecycle.

Moreover, feedback from the Veoneer customer case study highlights why organizations are choosing Codebeamer over Siemens Polarion. Customers have cited Codebeamer’s centralized platform, ease of generating Traceability Matrices, and readiness for ISO 26262 compliance as key differentiators. These advantages underscore Codebeamer’s ability to provide a more cohesive, user-friendly, and compliance-ready solution for engineering teams.

The Migration Path: Ensuring a Smooth Transition

Preparation and planning:

Migrating from one Application Lifecycle Management (ALM) solution to another is a significant decision that can greatly impact the effectiveness and efficiency of an organization’s engineering processes. The transition from Siemens Polarion to Codebeamer is particularly noteworthy, involving not just a change of tools but a strategic move towards better integration, collaboration, and compliance with industry standards. This migration process, while promising significant benefits, requires careful planning, preparation, and execution to ensure a seamless and successful transition. The following sections will outline the major reasons driving this migration and provide a detailed guide on how to ensure a smooth and effective switch to Codebeamer.

Inventory of Current Data

The first essential step towards ensuring a seamless migration from Siemens Polarion to Codebeamer involves taking a comprehensive inventory of all existing data. This includes a meticulous cataloguing of all projects, requirements, test cases, user data, and any other relevant information currently managed within Polarion. Such a detailed inventory not only aids in assessing the volume and variety of data that needs to be migrated but also helps in identifying potential challenges in data compatibility and structural differences between the two systems. Ensuring that no critical data is overlooked during this phase is crucial for maintaining the integrity and continuity of ongoing and future projects throughout the transition process.

Identification of Customizations

Analyzing and documenting any customizations made in Siemens Polarion is the next critical step. Customizations might include modifications or additions to default settings, such as custom fields, tailored workflows, unique reports, and any scripts or integrations built to extend Polarion’s capabilities. Understanding these custom elements is essential, as they significantly influence the complexity and approach of the migration process. It’s also an opportunity to evaluate which customizations are crucial for business operations and must be replicated in Codebeamer, as well as to identify any that might be streamlined or omitted to enhance efficiency in the new environment. Careful consideration of these factors ensures that the migrated system not only preserves necessary functionalities but also aligns more closely with organizational goals and processes.

Data compatibility assessment:

Transitioning from Siemens Polarion to Codebeamer presents a complex challenge that involves careful planning, detailed analysis, and strategic execution. This process necessitates a thorough understanding of both platforms to ensure a seamless migration. Through a series of meticulously structured steps, organizations can successfully migrate their data, customizations, and workflows without disrupting their ongoing projects. The following sections outline the essential phases of this process, starting with a comprehensive cataloging of current assets, through customization review, to a critical assessment of data compatibility, and beyond.

Compatibility Check

The compatibility check between Polarion’s data structures and formats with those of Codebeamer is imperative. This phase involves a thorough comparison of how requirements, test cases, user roles, and authorizations are managed and stored in Siemens Polarion versus in Codebeamer. Key aspects to examine include the schema for data storage, the formats used for exporting and importing data, and how permissions and user roles are defined and implemented in both systems. It’s essential to identify any discrepancies that could affect the integrity of data post-migration, such as differences in field types, data validation rules, or user access controls. Understanding these differences enables the planning of necessary transformations or adaptations to ensure that all critical data is migrated accurately and that user roles and permissions are correctly mapped in the new system, thereby maintaining data security and compliance.

Export of Polarion data:

The process of exporting data from Siemens Polarion is a critical step in the migration to Codebeamer. Polarion supports the export of data in various formats, tailored to accommodate different types of information and customization needs. Among these, the Requirements Interchange Format (ReqIF) stands out as particularly advantageous for exporting requirements. This standardized format ensures that intricate details, such as attributes and hierarchies, are preserved during the transition.

For other types of data such as test cases, issues, and user roles, Polarion offers XML and CSV formats. These formats are beneficial for data that requires extensive customization or where specific field mappings are necessary. It’s crucial during this phase to leverage Polarion’s export functionalities efficiently to generate comprehensive datasets that include all relevant customizations and metadata. Ensuring a thorough export means scrutinizing each data type’s unique requirements and selecting the most appropriate export format. This meticulous approach guarantees that the transition to Codebeamer is smooth, with all essential data accurately reflected in the new system.

Preparation of Codebeamer:

The preparation phase for Codebeamer is pivotal in ensuring a seamless migration from Siemens Polarion. This stage involves setting up the Codebeamer environment to align with the organizational needs and the data structure incoming from Polarion. It’s essential to configure the project spaces, workflows, user roles, and permissions in Codebeamer before importing the data. This step not only facilitates a smoother transition but also significantly reduces the time needed for post-migration adjustments. By customizing the Codebeamer environment in advance, organizations can ensure that the migrated data is correctly aligned with the new system’s architecture, thereby preserving the integrity and accessibility of information.

Configuration of Codebeamer

Upon successful export of data from Siemens Polarion, the next crucial step involves configuring Codebeamer to mirror the organizational structure, processes, and permissions of the original environment. This configuration phase is vital to ensure a seamless transition and integration of data into Codebeamer.

  1. Setting Up Projects: Begin by establishing projects in Codebeamer, aligning them with the project structures from Polarion. This includes creating project hierarchies and associations that accurately reflect the organizational workflow and collaborations in Polarion.
  2. Defining User Roles and Permissions: Meticulously map and define user roles and permissions in Codebeamer to replicate those in Polarion. It’s crucial to ensure that users have the appropriate access levels and permissions to their corresponding projects and data, maintaining data security and operational continuity.
  3. Configuring Workflows: Custom workflows in Polarion should be mirrored in Codebeamer. This requires setting up the workflow states, transitions, and rules according to the Polarion setup. It’s essential to test these workflows to confirm they function as expected, ensuring process continuity.
  4. Custom Fields and Data Structure: Finally, create and configure custom fields in Codebeamer to match the data structure of the exported Polarion data. This step is crucial for preserving the integrity of data, especially for specialized requirements, test cases, and issues. Proper mapping and configuration of these fields assure that the imported data is accurately represented and fully functional within Codebeamer.

Successfully accomplishing these configuration tasks ensures that Codebeamer is optimally set up to receive the migrated data from Polarion, facilitating a smooth transition and minimizing disruption to ongoing projects.

Test Import: Perform a Test Import with a Small Amount of Data

To ensure the configurations and mappings are correctly set up in Codebeamer, it is crucial to perform a test import using a small subset of the data from Polarion. This test will serve to verify that:

  • The project structures and hierarchies are correctly replicated.
  • User roles and permissions align with the predefined settings, and users can access the data as intended.
  • The custom workflows operate as expected, with all states, transitions, and rules functioning correctly.
  • Custom fields and data structures accurately reflect the Polarion data, ensuring data integrity and functional requirements are met.

During this testing phase, pay close attention to any discrepancies or errors that arise and document them meticulously. Rectifying these issues at this stage will prevent potential problems during the full-scale data migration, ensuring a seamless transition from Polarion to Codebeamer.

Import into Codebeamer:

Once the initial testing phase has been successfully completed and any identified issues have been addressed, the next major step is to Import your data into Codebeamer. At this juncture, utilizing the ReqIF (Requirements Interchange Format) is highly recommended for importing requirements, provided your data is available in this format. This standard ensures that your requirements data is transferred accurately, maintaining its structure and integrity during the import process.

In addition to ReqIF, Codebeamer offers extensive support for various data formats and sources through its robust APIs and specialized import tools. These tools are designed to facilitate a smooth and efficient data migration process, regardless of the complexity or volume of the data being imported. Ensure that you follow the best practices and guidelines provided by Codebeamer for using these tools, to achieve the best results and to minimize any potential issues during the import process.

Post-processing and validation:

After successfully importing your data into Codebeamer, it is crucial to Review the imported data to ensure that all information has been transferred correctly and is functioning as expected within the new system. This step involves a thorough validation process, checking for accuracy in the migration of data elements such as requirements, tasks, user stories, and any custom fields relevant to your project. Pay particular attention to relational data and hierarchies within your data set, as these are often areas where discrepancies may occur. Utilize Codebeamer’s reporting and analytics tools to assess the completeness and integrity of the migrated data. Identifying and addressing any anomalies or errors during this review phase is essential to ensuring a smooth transition to operating fully within Codebeamer.


Once the data has been reviewed and validated, the next step involves making necessary adjustments to customize the system according to your specific project needs. This may include configuring workflows, setting up permissions and user roles, and customizing dashboards and reports within Codebeamer. It’s important to leverage Codebeamer’s flexibility to adapt the environment to your operational practices rather than forcing your processes to fit the tool. Engage with stakeholders to identify any additional requirements or adjustments needed to support your team’s workflow efficiently. In this phase, testing the custom configurations extensively is crucial to ensure that they not only meet the project’s requirements but also enhance productivity and collaboration among team members. Remember, customization should aim to streamline processes, improve data visibility, and enable easier navigation through the system, making the most of Codebeamer’s capabilities to suit your project’s unique demands.

Training and Rollout:

After customizing Codebeamer to align with your project’s specific requirements, the subsequent phase focuses on user training. It is imperative to conduct comprehensive training sessions for all team members to familiarize them with the new system. These sessions should cover the basic functionalities of Codebeamer, how to navigate through customized dashboards, and the procedures for performing common tasks within the platform. Utilize interactive methodologies such as hands-on exercises, Q&A sessions, and real-world scenarios to enhance understanding and retention. Additionally, consider creating a repository of training materials, including guides, video tutorials, and FAQs, accessible for team members to refer to anytime. Ensuring your team is well-versed in utilizing Codebeamer is key to a smooth transition and will greatly contribute to minimizing resistance, avoiding confusion, and promoting efficient use of the system from day one.


Once the training phase is completed and your team feels confident in navigating and utilizing Codebeamer, it’s time to officially roll out the system for your projects. Begin by initiating a pilot project or select a few ongoing projects to start integrating Codebeamer progressively, allowing team members to apply their training in real-world scenarios. Monitor the integration closely, gathering feedback from users to identify any issues or areas for improvement. This step is crucial for making necessary adjustments and ensuring that Codebeamer is fully optimized to support your team’s workflow. Celebrate small victories and success stories to build confidence among team members, reinforcing the benefits of the new system. A thoughtful and well-executed rollout is key to achieving widespread adoption and optimizing your team’s productivity with Codebeamer.

Working closely with qualified Codebeamer partners, such as W-ITC, throughout the migration process is crucial to ensure that all steps are completed successfully. These partners bring a wealth of knowledge and experience, enabling them to offer expert guidance and support from the planning phase through to full implementation and beyond. Their insights can help in customizing Codebeamer to best fit your team’s specific needs, addressing any technical challenges swiftly, and ensuring that the system is aligned with your project management goals. Leveraging the expertise of Codebeamer partners like W-ITC not only enhances the migration experience but also sets the foundation for maximizing the system’s benefits to improve project outcomes and team collaboration.

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